Statement on the Mercer County Convention
The Democratic Party is one of the greatest forces for good in the history of our nation. Our party has led the fight to achieve civil rights, protect free speech and achieve a measure of economic fairness for hard working Americans.
That’s why I’m proud to call myself a Democrat. This year, our country is depending on Democrats more than ever. Our party is all that stands between the continuation of our Democracy, and those who seek to destroy it.
With the stakes higher than ever before, it’s essential that our party embody the principles of fairness, integrity and transparency that we hold dear. Voters deserve, and should expect nothing less.
Unfortunately, in New Jersey, our machine Party system is not fit for this moment in history. Machine politics, driven by back room deals and party bosses has held our state back for too long. The antiquated “County Line” system holds our party back. It’s time for the line to end. This anachronistic, and fundamentally undemocratic system was on full display at the Mercer County Democratic convention this week.
The convention was the product of an opaque and unfair system that presented Democrats with little more than the appearance of a free and open election. We can do better. As Democrats we must do better.
Last night, I was not included on the ballot for consideration, despite meeting every requirement set forth by the Mercer County Democratic Committee. It denied receiving my paperwork despite irrefutable digital evidence that it was submitted properly and on time.
The committee told me I would be allowed to participate if I was nominated on the floor and seconded, which I was. But, they never came clean, that they would not be putting me on the ballot or even leave any room for me to be written in. As it turns out, it’s important to be on the ballot to win an election.
The fact that my own candidacy was in the crosshairs of this system, is perhaps a testament to the fact that my candidacy is not of this system.
New Jersey deserves experienced, effective representation in Washington. As a civil rights attorney who has fought on the front lines defending our rights and freedoms I know we are up against entrenched forces.
Before we can mount a serious defense of our Democracy, we must first unite around the principles that guide our party.
I look forward to working alongside each and every one of you to make sure our party's nominating process matches the interests and integrity of the voters of our great state.